We envision a world where everyone has the courage to be authentic.

Over the next 10 years, we want to inspire at least 788k people to remember and live in alignment with who they are

Hi. I'm Jake.

How do I know Disruptive University is right for you?
I don't.
I only know it has been the best program in the world for me.

So how did DU come to be? it’s kind of a long story.

Massive success didn’t feel like I thought it would.

I started  my digital marketing agency, Disruptive Advertising , as a side hustle in 2012.  Since then, it has become one of, if not the top-rated, reviewed, and awarded performance marketing agencies in the country.
5 years into this adventure, I found myself outwardly successful with business and financial success but inwardly suffering from being overweight, emotionally volatile, spiritually disconnected, and watching my marriage slip away. I knew it was time for a change, but my whole identity was wrapped up in this persona I had created. I didn’t know how to let go until a wise marriage counselor opened my eyes to how I was showing up in life– by telling everyone else they were the problem and actively avoiding taking any responsibility for myself. How could I be the problem if the business is doing so well? I knew I was living a life that was no longer authentic for me and I finally heeded the call to adventure to start making serious changes.
I began the "fix me" phase of my adventure.
So what did I do? I stopped trying to fix my wife and everyone else and went all in on the next big thing, which was to fix myself. In the following years, I spent over $1M+ and countless hours on therapy, coaching, courses, conferences, and endless books. During the “fix me phase,” I started shifting the purpose of my life and company to create a place that empowered people to learn and grow by taking greater personal responsibility. It wasn’t uncommon for people to ask me if we were a personal development company disguised as a marketing agency.

The result? Well, I’m still married and very committed to our relationship, we had a caboose baby boy named Zander who has been a delight in our lives, and the business more than doubled again.
So it worked then, right?

Well, kinda, but, it’s quite easy to become addicted to “fixing” yourself, and now I had a new “enlightened” image to hold up which started feeling pretty heavy because life still had plenty of ups and downs.
I mean, I still had fights with my wife, struggles at work, stress, and anxiety that would keep me up at night feeling conflicted – wasn’t I supposed to have this all figured out by now?

So now what? This was the question I was asking myself and as a result, the last two years have been some of the most challenging and beautiful to navigate in my entire life. It’s definitely felt like a mid-life crisis, or as I like to call it a mid-life awakening, as I’ve re-explored every area of my life to find what is authentic to me if I’m not trying to hold up an image to keep others happy and have the courage to live more authentically.
Embracing authenticity inspired me to help others on their journey.
I see too many people and business owners who don’t love the life and business they have built and struggle with the courage to make the change they know is needed just like I did. With Disruptive, I am on a mission to change that. At Disruptive, authenticity wins. I envision a world where only authentic brands and people win, where when you step into who you are, big things start to happen in your lives and businesses.

The result? I’ve spent the last year building the authenticity program that empowered me to remember and live in alignment with who I am– Disruptive University. Thanks to Disruptive University, I have a vision for my life that has me more excited and challenged than ever before. What could be more exciting than that?

This adventure is just getting started.

I'm here to share it with you. Let's find out what's next together. Follow me for more.
Meet the team that helped me pull it all together
Disruptive University
To provide security and stability for my family so that we can maximize fulfillment and opportunities to serve in our remaining years.
's Story
To grow.
's Story
Finance Guy
I want to be my best authentic self for myself. As I am my best self, I will do better in my pursuits and be able to better support and serve those around me, especially my family, which is my greatest joy. I want to always take the next best step, not just the easiest, and certainly stop just sitting around because things are good enough.
's Story
To be the man in the arena, to be a man of integrity, and to accept what is.
's Story
To fully embrace my true self and the unique strengths I bring to the world while helping others do the same.
's Story
I want to find peace in the now and accept the things I cannot control. I believe that with that acceptance I will be able to step into my full potential in my personal and professional life.
's Story
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