The Best Authenticity Program for Business Owners

Disruptive University is the perfect choice for business owners who are ready to win at life and business by being more authentic
Tangible outcomes for business owners
What would it be worth to you if over the next 6 months you achieved the following:
Personal Vision
Learn to articulate who you are and your purpose by defining your why,  values, and strengths and weaknesses.
Relationship Vision
Learn to create a shared vision for the relationships that matter most and begin to thrive together.
Business Vision
Learn to create a clear vision for your business, translated to a winning strategy, and implemented with simplified execution.
How will Disruptive University help your business?
Our approach will give you the confidence to take risks and to make hard decisions needed to move your business forward.
A man talking on a headset

Authentic Businesses Win

The most common challenge facing businesses today is a lack of vision clarity. Clarify the vision for your business and unlock unprecedented growth as we guide you to define the following areas:
Company Why
Why does your business exist beyond making money?
Core Values
These fundamental beliefs drive decision-making, behaviors, and desirable results in the business. Do you know yours? If so, are you and your teams living in alignment with them?
What are the unique differentiators that make your business unique? Your competitors may have some elements in common with you, but no competitor should have your exact combination of strengths.
Serving the World
What is the market inefficiency or need the business is trying to solve? How is your company showing up to serve those around you in a way that only you can?
Making Money
How does your business’ product/service provide value to your customers that they are willing to pay for? In what ways is it leading to greater health, wealth, and relationships?
Does your business have a clear purpose that inspires you? What would this level of clarity be worth to you?


The answers to your most significant challenges are within your business RIGHT NOW. Accelerate your business growth by effectively articulating the following:
People walking in a city
Two people hugging with a space-like background
Discover and articulate your vision for your business and translate that to short and longterm goals.
Learn how to align your business goals with the right strategy, ensuring your every effort drives success.
Jumpstart results by developing a simplified execution game plan that is consistent and effective.
How much would your business grow if you knew you had the right vision, strategy and execution game plan? What has been the cost of not having clarity?


Follow this framework to challenge your thinking and to grow through any roadblocks holding your business back.
Your first step towards business growth is awareness. Are you aware of where you are experiencing resistance in your business?
You do the things you do for a reason. When every facade is stripped away, why is your business the way it is? What is the payoff, both good and bad?
You are responsible for your business, but are you accepting responsibility? You cannot change the circumstances, but you can change yourself. You always know the next step you must take. Are you accepting responsibility?
Are you experiencing the growth you want in your business? Do you know what to do to get unstuck?
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What business owners are saying about Disruptive University:
Brandt Whiting, President 8020 Digital
Brandt Whiting, President 8020 Digital
Disruptive University came at a perfect time for me to figure out exactly what I wanted out of life, especially for my career. It gave me the courage...
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Kyle Rutledge, CEO & Founder of Gradari
Kyle Rutledge, CEO & Founder of Gradari
Disruptive University came at a perfect time for me to figure out exactly what I wanted out of life, especially for my career. It gave me the courage and confidence to pursue my business full-time and dive in with two feet. I haven't looked back since!
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John Covey, Leadership Development Executive
John Covey, Leadership Development Executive
A renewed commitment to live my WHY. It is so easy to get caught up in all sorts of activities and lose the focus of progressing and developing around my WHY. This was a wonderful wakeup call for me. Another area from module 1 that was very impactful is my honesty. Am I honest with myself, am I listening to my inner conscience that can guide me. I want that Authenticity on a consistent basis in my life. I am not living my best life without it and I am not as Authentic as I want to be.
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Spots are limited and courses launch quarterly
In order to deliver the highest possible value to each and every business owner that enrolls in the program we limit each cohort to 20 individuals.
Spots fill quickly, don't wait if you feel DU is right for you.
Find out if Disruptive University is right for you

Still Reading?
Here are even more details

In addition to EVERYTHING in the Individual Course Track, Business Owners receive the following exclusives:
ALL business owners are personally led through the program by our founder and course author Jake Baadsgaard
Your spouse receives complimentary access to the DU individual course track and custom support from Teresa Baadsgaard
Enjoy a 3 day 2 night annual retreat separate from the Authenticity Wins™ Summit (travel not included)
Receive deep dive 1on1 coaching from industry experts and Disruptive executive team members in the areas you're stuck
Unlock access to two beautiful vacation homes in St. George, Utah for your enjoyment (for the cost of a modest cleaning fee)
Maximize Opportunity With Our Exclusive Business Owner Network
Obtain Authentic Partner status with Disruptive Advertising, making you eligible to receive hand-picked leads, recommendations, and referrals from our marketing team and client network.

Unlock membership to a tight-knit peer network of authentic business owners for greater opportunity and accelerated personal and professional development.
two men shaking handsa woman on a laptop
The best way to know if Disruptive University is right for you is to experience your first breakthrough right now with this 10 minute mini course absolutely free.